Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Christmas back home

Well, from shorts, flip flops and vest tops to...jumpers, scarves, hats, tights, gloves, boots and coats! Oh and hot water bottles in bed! Love it! Hello UK!

Cold and it's great!
I had a wonderful break back home. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It only feels like a week since the B+G wedding and then landing in BKK. Doesn't time fly. Mum and Dad picked me up from Heathrow armed with a blanket, extra socks and gloves so I could snuggle in the back seat on the way home. It was lovely to see them, and Gary, Beck and Nanna. And Bea of course. As soon as I was back it felt like I hadn't been away.

I had some lovely birthday presents...food magazines (YUM), cheese, wine, (theme here?!), gorgeously pretty tights (didn't take them off all holiday) and a fab top as well as lots of other lovely things. Thank you! Gary and Beckie also took me to Stratford for dinner and to the RSC to see Measure for Measure which was fantastic. Thank you!

The Harwoods - still honeymooning!
I also saw lots of lovely friends. Hel and Rob in their wonderful new home and Howard. Had a delicious Christmas dinner. Also saw work friends, babies, old friends, uni friends, school friends, neighbours but wasn't able to see everyone - sorry. I was nice to catch up and get all the gossip. The most rubbish thing about being abroad (there aren't many, I'm not moaning) is missing family and friends, so thank you for making the time to see me. 

Starter @ Ivy Gate
Main @ Ivy Gate with homemade quince jelly
Christmas Day was perfect. PJs, presents, the rabbit being naughty, delicious Christmas dinner a la Mummy Harwood, Downton, Scattergories and family. Had some awesome presents!

Bea helping me unwrap my presents
Homemade goodies from Ben Kell
Christmas dinner on the go - swede!
In between Christmas and New Year Miss Caulfield came to stay for some wine, over eating, Mills and Boon watching, sales shopping fun. Then as Kate left, Nannie Bun arrived. In time for New Year and her birthday.

New Year was the usual fun and games. The Kells came down, the jigsaw was out, chilli and curry were eaten and Nan and Rose were rubbish at charades. Ben started a new tradition of bringing an awesome lemon tart for dessert - keep that up!

You can't trust them!
Jigsaw finally completed on January 1st
On 2nd we went for a huuuuuge meal at Gary and Beckie's for Nannie Bun's birthday. Ordered far too much food from the chinese but we managed most of it...! It was gorgeous and lovely to visit Gary and Beck before I went back. Beckie made a killer cake for Nan's birthday which was demolished by the next day. 

What haven't I mentioned? The new Mrs Harwood helping me spend too much and saying I had a long face, Nanna Flo telling us all about the bisexual man, carol service with Mum, Hollywood Dominoes, Dad saying my chilli was at least a 6 (can't take it back now Dad, it's published!), sitting on the sofa with bruv waiting for Mrs Harwood to collect him after her night out gallivanting with stew, feeling baby kick (not mine!), having snuggles with Benja, Ethan and Isobel, cups of tea with Maltby and the Whiteheads, walking over the golf course with Mum and Dad, Nanna Flo calling Kate's gilet a gimlet and mum thinking she mean gimp mask, Nannie Bun's amazing pate and pressed chicken, stealing mum's clothes, taking 50 photos of Gary in the hope one will have his eyes open, cups of tea in bed, beating Dad at Scattergories, even though he cheated with Assegoni's mini and other such rubbish, hot water bottles waiting for me in bed, crazy doll (noticed you didn't take her back to Leamington Harwoods...she'll follow you!), watching Keira sing 'Got the Moves Like Jagger', all the lovely meals, waiting to say 'YOU DIDN'T KNOCK!' when playing Hollywood Dominoes with Gaz, looking at the wedding albums, fashion shows, the santa outfit. Loads! :D

Had a lovely break back home - now back to the sunshine and work. Miss you all lots...see you in July/August...or alternatively on skype 12 hours after I leave :P

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