Inspired by Dad's blog post at about his recent read I thought I'd do a post about what I'm currently reading, what I want to read and what I've read recently. The majority are on my Kindle, which I have to say, is amazing! All of the 'to read' books are stacked up on it waiting to be read. But my shelves do look a bit lonely with only 2 or 3 books on.
Recent reads
Started reading this when I arrived in Bangkok and loved it. An epic fantasy about Kings, sex, war, monsters and cunning. The characters are amazing and Martin is ruthless with his story writing. Since reading, I've also watched the series and it's a great adaptation. But the book is always better!
The second in the Song of Ice and Fire Series. I couldn't wait to find out what happened after book one so picked it up right away. Loved it!
I've read it many a time before, but this time I thought I'd treat myself. I'm listened to the audiobook read by Stephen Fry. What a treat, he's fantastic. And it reminded me, after all the hype and rubbish with the films, why the Harry Potter BOOKS were so successful.
Currently reading
Of course I had to start the third. Although I've taken a break from it to listen to Harry Potter. Mostly because I don't want to race through them, knowing there are only 5! Secondly, I need something a bit
Again, the Stephen Fry audio book to lull me to sleep. If I'm really going to treat myself, I put the audiobook on the laptop/ipod and read along on my Kindle. Sad? Yes. Satisfying and snuggly? Yes.
Oh what a beautiful book! Makes me want to read. Makes me want to write. Makes me want to talk about it. Definitely the best Ian McEwan I've read. The description of the cat in chapter 2, just as Peter leaves the house is incredible. Magical like Roald Dahl, snuggly like Enid Blyton and on that strange border between reality and the surreal. We're reading it in class with Year 8 at the moment. Not sure they like it as much as I do.
Would like to read
I've been meaning to read it for ages, but just haven't got around to it, what with all the other books on the go! I will though, I promise! It's set in Bangkok during a huge flood. Should have read it a few weeks ago but thought it might scare me too much. Maybe on the flight home.
I loved the Hitchhikers series and have been meaning to read this for a while. I know they made a TV series, but would like to read the books first. Thought it might be a bit of light relief.
It's been ages since I read some Atwood and I know I should read more because I always enjoy them. This has been on my reading list for a while but as with all of them, still haven't got around to it.
I've always wanted to read this since we watched it as a family on TV. Think they might take me a while and will have to finish the Song of Ice and Fire series before I start this one, but I'm looking forward to it!
I've got this on audio book and, again, can't wait to read it. But, I'm a bit scared. The first one was great, but it got the adrenaline going and had the odd moment where I had to keep reading until something unscary happened and ended up reading until 2am then had to read something like Harry Potter or Ken Follett to get to sleep without zombie dreams. Another ruthless writer and a great modern zombie series. Might wait until I'm home for Christmas/on the plane where there are some other people to help me fight off any zombies!
Right, I'd better stop there as there are loads of 'to read' books and I'm not going to put all of them up. It would take weeks! I'll update again, once I've got some reading done!