Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Books of the moment

Inspired by Dad's blog post at
http://dampfpanzerwagon.blogspot.com/2011/11/i-shall-wear-midnight-by-terry.html about his recent read I thought I'd do a post about what I'm currently reading, what I want to read and  what I've read recently. The majority are on my Kindle, which I have to say, is amazing! All of the 'to read' books are stacked up on it waiting to be read. But my shelves do look a bit lonely with only 2 or 3 books on.

Recent reads
Started reading this when I arrived in Bangkok and loved it. An epic fantasy about Kings, sex, war, monsters and cunning. The characters are amazing and Martin is ruthless with his story writing. Since reading, I've also watched the series and it's a great adaptation. But the book is always better!

The second in the Song of Ice and Fire Series. I couldn't wait to find out what happened after book one so picked it up right away. Loved it! 

I've read it many a time before, but this time I thought I'd treat myself. I'm listened to the audiobook read by Stephen Fry. What a treat, he's fantastic. And it reminded me, after all the hype and rubbish with the films, why the Harry Potter BOOKS were so successful. 

Currently reading
Of course I had to start the third. Although I've taken a break from it to listen to Harry Potter. Mostly because I don't want to race through them, knowing there are only 5! Secondly, I need something a bit lighter...so...

Again, the Stephen Fry audio book to lull me to sleep. If I'm really going to treat myself, I put the audiobook on the laptop/ipod and read along on my Kindle. Sad? Yes. Satisfying and snuggly? Yes. 

Oh what a beautiful book! Makes me want to read. Makes me want to write. Makes me want to talk about it. Definitely the best Ian McEwan I've read. The description of the cat in chapter 2, just as Peter leaves the house is incredible. Magical like Roald Dahl, snuggly like Enid Blyton and on that strange border between reality and the surreal. We're reading it in class with Year 8 at the moment. Not sure they like it as much as I do. 

Would like to read
I've been meaning to read it for ages, but just haven't got around to it, what with all the other books on the go!  I will though, I promise! It's set in Bangkok during a huge flood. Should have read it a few weeks ago but thought it might scare me too much. Maybe on the flight home.

I loved the Hitchhikers series and have been meaning to read this for a while. I know they made a TV series, but would like to read the books first. Thought it might be a bit of light relief. 

It's been ages since I read some Atwood and I know I should read more because I always enjoy them. This has been on my reading list for a while but as with all of them, still haven't got around to it. 

I've always wanted to read this since we watched it as a family on TV. Think they might take me a while and will have to finish the Song of Ice and Fire series before I start this one, but I'm looking forward to it!

I've got this on audio book and, again, can't wait to read it. But, I'm a bit scared. The first one was great, but it got the adrenaline going and had the odd moment where I had to keep reading until something unscary happened and ended up reading until 2am then had to read something like Harry Potter or Ken Follett to get to sleep without zombie dreams. Another ruthless writer and a great modern zombie series. Might wait until I'm home for Christmas/on the plane where there are some other people to help me fight off any zombies!

Right, I'd better stop there as there are loads of 'to read' books and I'm not going to put all of them up. It would take weeks! I'll update again, once I've got some reading done!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Christmas is coming!

I can't believe this time next month I'll be home, snuggled up in a big jumper and eating swede! Time has flown by! I'll give you a bit of an update of what's been going on the the last few weeks.

It's been a really odd term with two weeks of school closure after the flooding. We got back to school after half term and within a day or so, the Thai government had closed the schools. Volunteers went in to move everything from the first floor upstairs.
Rachael pleased with our new Drama office arrangements
So, we had two weeks at home, uploading work onto the internet for each lesson for the students, replying to their emails and going a little bit stir crazy! We were very lucky though and the flooding didn't really affect us at all, unlike so many of my colleagues and the Thai people. The flooding did get worse around us, but it didn't reach the apartments. 
The river continued to rise before high tide
It didn't breach the wall at school, but sneaked through
the cracks until the water level was about 30cms
Charoenkrung Road had some flooding in places, which
made it difficult to get out and about
In some places the water was about 50cm above road level
and the sandbags were keeping it back
In the last few days, the sandbags have just started to be taken down and the temporary steps outside of the apartments have gone.
Flood prevention measures - a little difficult
to navigate so pleased they're gone now!
The feeling of impending doom that had been lurking for the last few months has gone and people seem much more positive and upbeat. There are still lots of areas of Bangkok under water, more water to come down from the north and the high tides next weekend may mean more water gets into the school grounds again but it should be the 30cm-2m we'd been prepared for. Ploenchit fair http://www.bctfn.com/ that was meant to be at school has been moved to the other side of Bangkok, which is a real shame because of it. Will hopefully still go though.

The flooding meant Pippa and Rach had to spend far more time with me than usual, but they managed to put up with me. We took Pippa out for her birthday to the Mandarin Oriental, just up the river, for afternoon tea. It was a lovely day and we felt very posh and dainty!
Pip and Rach looking glam for afternoon tea
What a treat! Too much food though! 
At the weekend, I went to Singapore with the Drama department and 34 kids to see Kevin Spacey in Sam Mendes' Richard III. 
What a treat! Such a good show.
We left early on Friday morning and arrived in Singapore at about 3.30pm. I liked Singapore, it was clean and organised and quite Western. The streets reminded me a bit of Disneyland! The weather was good, although very humid. 
Our hotel was nice, although a little weird. They threatened
to charge us $0.50 fr very gram of food we wasted at breakfast...
The show was at the Esplanade Theatre
The view from the Eplanade
Traditional tourist pose!
More view from the Esplanade
The Esplanade is supposedly designed to look like a
Rach and Steve get in on the posing
Pretty tile prints on the wall inside the theatre complex
Singapore Dollars - $2 = £1 ish. Singapore was SO expensive.
The play was really good. It was so nice to go to the theatre. Spacey was fantastic - so often you have high expectations of a 'famous actor' doing theatre, and Shakespeare especially, but he was brilliant. Great physicality and such a character. Mendes' direction was great too, episodic and modern and stark. Very good and the students loved it.

On the Saturday we spent the morning making notes on the play before heading to Sentosa - the man made beach resort in Singapore. It was very odd. Gorgeous looking water and sands, but all created, not naturally occurring.
View from the monorail as we headed to Sentosa island
I'm glad we hadn't risk assessed the skylifts - not with 35
kids thank you!
The beaches were clean and white and...
very film-esque!
Imported palm trees
It was a lovely weekend, and although we got back super late, and I'm tired today after a full day at school, I'm definitely pleased we went! Great to go somewhere new, see some theatre and treat myself to some perfume at the airport! :)

I arrived back at my apartment to find a festive, gold, jingly bell hanging on my door. It made me smile! But when I got inside, Father Christmas's elves had been and left me a beautiful decorated Christmas tree and festive music box! What a treat! 
Thank you Fairy Rach and Fairy Pip!
Everyone knows Christmas is all about
What a lucky girl I am to have such lovely friends - thank you! It now officially means Christmas is on its way and that we can start listening to carols, watching Christmas films and doing other such festive things! I've started by making chutney!
9 jars. Not too bad!
Slightly made up recipe, but it tastes nice!
As well as making chutney, I'm listening to Stephen Fry read me the Harry Potter stories, they always make me feel wintery! What a treat! 

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kate's Visit to Bangkok

On 17th October, Miss Caulfield landed in Bangkok for a week of food, sun and relaxation. It was lovely to have her stay, not only because her suitcase was filled with treats from home, but because she is fabulous. Here are a selection of photos from her visit.

On her first evening, we went downstairs to grab some satay and a Singha in the Chatrium restaurant. Kate met Rachel and that bonded over picking on me. Friday was a normal school day for me, so Kate unpacked (all my stuff) and had some lunch. I popped home to see her at lunch but got DRENCHED in the torrential downpour that started just as I left. In the evening we went to Coyotes for free margaritas and burritos (yes, most of this blog post will be food related). 

A Singapore Sling and a Mojito - not the only cocktails we
had during Kate's stay, but some good ones on the 36th floor.

On Saturday we went to Chatuchak market and bought some bits and pieces, then went for dinner on the 36th floor - was this the night we ate a whole duck between the two of us Kate? I can't quite remember. I think so! Then on Sunday we went to Sampeng Lane in Chinatown. This is my new favourite place. There are loads of lovely fabric shops and haberdasheries. I could easily have spend a fortune but was good. However, I'm now regretting it and wishing I'd spend more money! Here are a few photos of the spoils of the shopping weekend...

Beautiful ribbons in Sampeng Lane - the shop
just had a long wall of reels. Kate and I were a
bit excited!
Pretty beads in Chinatown
A collection of ribbons we purchased.
My news Christmas themed crockery from Chatuchak - no of
course I didn't NEED it. That's not the point. 
Kate's stash of fabrics that I was hoping she'd forget to
take home.

So after a busy weekend we headed to Koh Samet for a few days. We got up early on Monday and went to Ekkamai bus station to get a 3 1/2 hour bus to Ban Phe and from there, the ferry boat to Koh Samet.

Land ahoy!

The weather was so nice and we were having such a relaxing time (and it had taken us such a while to get there!) we decided to stay an extra night. We spent the time eating, playing cards, reading, sun bathing, eating some more, having massages on the beach and drinking Singha.

Sunset on the first night.
Sadly we were the wrong side of the island to see the actual
sunset, but the sky was pretty from where we were!

The beach wasn't bad either! Certainly an improvement on
my last visit to Koh Samet.
Perfect! Reading the Game of Thrones series. Very good!
The shade was for me - I can't hack the heat!

When we arrived back in Bangkok we were met with more flood warnings. We were stocked up on water and food in case we were stranded, but managed to go out sightseeing for a day or two. We took a boat to the Grand Palace.

The mural of the Ramayana that is painted on the wall around
the Grand Palace.
Some close ups of the painting and gold leaf work.
We spotted this pair!
And a few other scenes we were a little confused by.

We ate many more meals, had many more cocktails, spent some time by the pool (the weather had been the nicest we've had since I came out here) and then it was time for Kate to go home :( But not before buying a camembert and gorging ourselves on cheese and chutney.

Thank you for a lovely time! It was so nice to see you! Missing you already! xxxxxxx